
elkeさん 会社役員 ドイツ人 女性





1’ Why you keep to come to NATURAXIS lessons?
I keep coming to NATURAXIS lessons because otherwise I would do nothing to improve my posture. During the lessons I’m always reminded of all the things important for a good posture, and in between lessons, I sometimes remember some of them and consciously keep my shoulder back, my stomach in, back straight, make sure that my feet touch the ground from the middle of the heel (not the outside, as I usual do) and so on.
I’m sure, that one day, I will do all this without thinking about it if I continue the lessons.


2’ Please write your comment of personal training.
I like the personal training because Elly really pays attention to what I do, and she makes sure I only use the muscles or joints ,I’m supposed to use, so there is no cheating by using other muscles. I’m learning to use muscles, I didn’t even know I have. Elly also has a very deep knowledge of the human body, how the muscles, joints etc are connected and work together. When I have problems with my knee or hip, usually on one side only, she has a good idea about the root cause and does some special exercises to lessen the pain and prevent it in future.


  1. ヨガインストラクター/翻訳家 お喜びの声

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